Thursday, September 30, 2010

Men are from Mars.....

I hate it why men are so diffferent from women in the emotional and communication aspect. Honesty, men do not know how we, women think! They know nothing! They do not know how we feel, even if we are disappointed or sad. They just don't catch these emotions.

Guys as they are...Top 10 list
1) Guys don't realize a simple text message makes a different.
2) Guys think that by not telling us something to not make us worry but in fact it actually worry us more.
3) Guys can compartmentalise their feelings and not think of us.
4) Guys think by giving lip service on how much they love us will do, we need to see it too.
5) Guys are egoistic beings. Naturally are.
6) Guys think that buying flowers is a waste of money.
7) Guys always think that we are complaining but in fact we are just telling them how we feel.
8) Guys always use the lame excuse of being busy and can't or won't call us.
9) Guys always thinks we are DISTURBING them.
10) Guys will never appreciate a girl not until they loose her. 

I seriously cannot understand when you say you are busy. In terms of work, I do but busy the whole day? Don't you have lunch breaks? Toilet breaks? Dinner breaks? Ciggies breaks? You can't even give me 5min out of 24 hours? Is 5 minutes even too much to ask? Do you think I am unreasonable? I've waited 4 days for you to call me. I dare not call you in fear that I will disturb you. Every night I wait in excitement for your call because you always call me before you sleep. I texted you but to no avail...I will never get a reply. The most astounding text I ever got is "I'm very tired, going to sleep now. Will call you tomorrow!". You mean you have no more energy for your voice to come out to talk to me or is it that you are lazy to talk to me since you are very tired. You promise me every day that you will call me at night before you sleep and when I remind you, you answer me in a very irritated tone. Promises are just promises and it will always be broken. I don't know if I can trust you anymore when you say you will call me later. If tomorrow you don't call me, then I fear that you would have created a wall in our relationship. I know long distance relationships are never easy and alot of compromises have to be made to please both parties but it takes 2 to tango and I can't be the only one here holding on to the fort. You need to play your part too. I've never been so disappointed and upset before. I've never shed as many bucket of tears before and cry myself to sleep. I'm just speechless at your attitude towards our relationship. 

God I need your strenght to pull me through. Amen!

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