Monday, May 17, 2004

-Day 52 in Brazil-
-11 p.m

Finally the weekends has arrived!!!!!Yesterday I went to Santos for the Rotary Conference District 4430.I had to wake up at 5.30 a.m so that I could get to Colegio Rio Branco in Sao Paulo city where the bus would be picking us up on time....Well,I felt quite lonely at first coz I did not know anyone...But later on I got to meet this Indonesian girl,Mexican girl and Japanese boy....They were very friendly people...We exchange our cards and pins so that we could have more pins on our blazer...All in all,the journey took us about 1 and a half hours to get there...The Mendes Convention Center was very big and grand.We all had to go up to the stage to introduce ourselves one by one and later we sang a song...There was about 15 of us from Disrtrict 4430.
After lunch,we went up to a hill so that we could have a birds eye view of the beach....It was fantastic!The scenery from up there was just words beyond description!Not long after,it began to rain!!!This was terrible coz it spoiled our City tour around we ended up in a Fish Museum "admiring" fishes..Well,it assn´t that bad after all!!The Rotarian then decided to bring us to the port to go on board a cargo ship that is owned by a voluntary organization named "Green Peace".The main purpose of this organization is to fight illegal cargo ships that are bringing transgenic soil in to Brazil...Currently there are 3 ships around the world..Brazil,Australia and Argentina.Okok!!!!!Then finally returning home.In a nutshell,I had so much fun that I wished that the day did not end!

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