Sunday, June 20, 2004

-Day 87 in Brazil-
-11.35 p.m

Weekends...........GREAT! But today was different.I had my portuguese test......and as usual,I had to dragged myself out of bed at 8 am.Apart from being nervous and scared I was kinda tired also...slept at only 1.30 am yesterday and with just 6 and a half hours of sleep...I really could have dropped dead!But as soon as I reached the entire sleepy feeling just faded away...That was because I was so happy to see the rest of the exchange students that I personally have not seen for a long time..As soon we open our mouths...we just could not control it!!!! was the moment..jeng jeng jeng!!!!I felt like screaming during the test..*ergggggg*
I found it so hard coz this the first test for me and I just came in March wherelse the rest all came in January.....That means I´m really slow compared to them.But at least my examiner said she was impressed with me coz I can speak so well with just being here lest than 3 months and that I can speak 4 languages...kekekeek!That really made my day!Finally...THE END of the test!!!!!*whosh*
Now,next event on the list....Festa Junina with Rotex..It was more like a farewell party and last gatherings for some of the exchange students who are going back after 1 year here.The party was just fantastic and as usual...there was so much food again....Just had to control myself.*sob sob*.Made many new friends but also had to say many goodbyes to many of the exchange students...Especially to Anouck from Belgium...1 of my good friend.Befor I left, we hugged each other so tight that we did not want to let go of each other..Everybody was felling rather down that evening! Sometimes when a friendship is kinda hard to let go especially a far distance friendship..I hope I won´t take it so hard when I leave for Malaysia next year....Beijou!!!!!

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