Saturday, August 14, 2004

-Day 144 in Brazil-
-9.34 p.m

I know I have been really slow in updating my blog....Its just that I just shifted to a new family last week and I have been really busy getting used to the new environment....The family comprises of my host parents,2 sisters and a brother........ermmmmmmmm!!!!They are so nice.....Muito legal! My host father is a civil engineer and my host mother and host sister(Larissa) helps him out in the office.My other host sister(Ynaia) is the same age as me and she goes to an engineering university in Sao paulo city.Oh...................My host bro is only 3 years old and he is just so adorable and cute..What more to say :) Anyway, to cut a long story short, everyone treads me like their daughter and sister......In return I call them mãe,pai,irmã and irmão....
So....I know all my fans out there has been asking me about my trip and how was it? It was just awesome,magnificent,fantastic............! It was like a dream come true to me travelling around the northeast of Brazil..All in all we went to 10 cities.Sao paulo-Belo Horizonte-Ouro Preto-Chapada Dimantina-Maceio-Fortaleza-Natal-Recife-Salvador-Porto Seguro and the grand finale Rio de Janeiro!!!!!!!!! was the most beautiful city and the beach was just indescribable.It is really so x10000000000000000 hard to decribe to you guys out there about my trip......Interested? Contact me....hahahahha!!!!!!I am available 24/7 or see my photolog.............I am so excited to meet Erika next week (she is going to Malaysia for YEP) as she is organizing a farewell party and she will be leaving on the 24th of this month.Her mother personally invited me as she also wanted me to meet Erika before she leave because she is going to Melaka,Malaysia......The first Brazilian gurl from Sao Paulo to Melaka..........I just cant wait to see her!Fans.......................plz also see my new fotolog and do drop some comments in there ok?Beijossssssssssssss.....Boa Noite!!!!!!!!!Good night!

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