Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Cascavel.....Kofi and Gang

-Day 229 in Brazil-
-5.10 pm

So...where was I...oh ya, just after Florianópolis!!!! Jana had to go back to São Paulo as she was supposed to go for the Pantanal trip so I went to Cascavel alone!!!While on the bus trip, guess who I was sitting beside? It was an English Boy!!!I couldn´t believed it but it was true...He was traveling around Brazil alone for 6 weeks and he was heading for the Falls!!!What a coincidence!!!Anyway, I stayed in Cascavel for a week and the first day when I arrived, I decided to give Kofi and Kate a surprise!! I called Kofi and he just couldn´t believed that I was in town!!! All I could here in the background...shouts of Excitement I guess...Kofi and kate were shouting like the world could fall down anytime!!!I guess I´m special somewhere inside them *cheeky smile*...I went for Kofi´s band practices, his school,getting to know all his goody friends and even went round town sight seeing with him and Gang!!!!I was staying at Camila´s place(she went to Malaysia last year) and we had so much fun.I went to Uni with her and even hung out together with her friends!!!I just couldn´t believe that finally I was meeting the famous Camila from Cascavel! She was so famous back than In Malaysia as she was a very nice,sweet,wonderful,respecful,kind exchange student from Brazil to Malaysia!!Even my dad and the YEP coordinator have said that she is a very polite student*wink*! I also had a great opportunity meeting the other Malaysian girl,Paramesvari who is from another city,Fransisco Beltrão near Cascavel!!!I was just so contented with life at that moment but wait a minute...No one in this world is ever contented with life? "Weird hei?".....She came down from her city just to meet up with me after hearing so much about the other famous Malaysian girl living in São Paulo *wink*!We decided it was time to show our culture to Camila´s parents by cooking our famous "Curry Chicken"!! "Yum was just delicious!!!Just miss Malaysian food so much!!!Fortunately,Camila brought home some Baba´s curry powder so this really made our cooking so much easier *wink*! So, Sunday came and I had to leave Cascavel....*sob sob*!!!But anyway, I was going to Toledo, the city where Rafael comes from..He is currently in Malaysia under a 1 year exchange too!!His family was just awesome especially Moiz(exchange student from India)who is staying at their house...I stayed at their place for 2 days and during those time...Moiz brought Paramesvari and I out to town for sigh-seeing and shopping of course!!!Prices down south are just so CHEAP...this word is very important to gurls you know? Besides, I went for a Rotary meeting there and met 4 other exchange students!!!I guess it was time to leave for São Paulo...I was reluctant and tried to extend my stay know? I had to leave no matter what *sob sob*
So, this is the end of my South trip and I really had a wonderful time.....
Love you guys so much......

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