Monday, January 22, 2007

KL, here I come!

-22nd January 2007-
-11.55 pm

20 years of my life have just gone by in a blink of an eye! I cant believe that I will be turning 21 in less than 3 months. At this turning point of my life, lots of decision making will have to be done etc: which college? what degree? where to stay? By doing so, I've decided to enroll myself at Brickfields Asia College for the June intake to pursue a LLB University of London external degree. Law is not an easy subject as it requires lots of reading up and memorizing various court cases. I'm determined to push myself to meet the standards of being a law student and also not to disappoint the hopes my parents have for me! As for now, I got a job at Thank God It's Friday (TGIF) 1 Utama shopping centre in KL and will be starting this Thursday before I start my course in June. The thought of starting my course so early really makes me think twice since I just completed my STPM last December. I guess I deserve a break right?

Last Friday, 9 Rotaractors including me went down to Singapore to attend the Rotaract District Conference from 19-21 January. It was held at a girl guides camp site-Camp Christine at Lim Chu Kang area. The journey down from Melaka would usually take around 3 and a half to 4 hours. Guess it took us how long? I think you would be shock to hear that we got there within 2 and a half hours. 2 cars drove up in which Yik Chuang, our Immediate Past president and Eugene, current Community Service Director so kindly volunteered to drive everyone there. These Formula 1 drivers were going at around 170 km/h but because they had super cars -volvo with turbo engine and Honda Accord, the journey went on so smoothly.

Camp was fun as the team was Rotaract Survivor and we got to know so many other Rotaractors within our district eg: Malaysia,Singapore and Brunei.

Rotaract District Conference opening ceremony ala "Survivor" style

Games, lessons, fellowship, singing was everything about fun. There was some emotional moments while Zack, District Rotaract Representative was giving his speech. Actually there's lots to write so I will just let my pictures do the talking. Memories like these will last a century!

Survivor Cooking-Roasted chicken,lemang aka Bamboo rice and eggs

Our chicken turned out semi cooked only as it was more of a smoked chicken. Our fire wasn't strong sad!Nevertheless, our bamboo rice and eggs turned out well cooked. The technique for cooking the egg is to wrap the eggs with at least 1 cm of mud or soil then only you will get a hard boil egg. If the mud is not thick enough, the egg will explode anytime.

My team---Orang Laut(Back row L-R):Fay, Wei Yun, Dawn, Winnie and me
(Front row L-R): Sorensen, Benedict, Picasso and Wei Siong

"Eugene in orange as Botak the Batik man"--Go RAC Kota Melaka!

The winner Of the Rotaract Soul survivor goes to the "Batik" Group......

The contingent from RAC Kota Melaka which consist of 7 members and 2 guest

Finale!!!! On that faithful Sunday, we took our photographs, said our goodbyes and left for Melaka. It only took us 2 and a half hours to get back to Melaka...see like I told you!

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